How chemical composition affects the properties of stainless steel

Before choosing a metal with specified physical properties, you should determine the purposes for which it is needed. Scientists have developed many different components and impurities that help make metal with desired characteristics. One of them is stainless steel.

How chemical composition affects the properties of stainless steel

How can metal corrosion resistance be achieved? During production, several chemical elements are added to it. As a result, the entire surface is covered with an oxide film. It is insoluble and protects the alloy from rust formation.

Nickel and iron-nickel can be used as the main material for the manufacture of 316 Stainless Steel Tube. The addition of alloying elements to the base gives the various steel properties, including the qualities of stainless:

Chromium increases the corrosion resistance and also increases the strength and hardness of the alloy. Reducing the coefficient of linear expansion simplifies the welding process.

Nickel increases ductility and toughness, and hardenability; it also reduces the coefficient of thermal expansion.

How chemical composition affects the properties of stainless steel asme-sa-213-tp316-stainless-steel-tube-1

The durability of the stainless steel increases due to the use of manganese in an amount of more than 1%. It simultaneously increases hardness, toughness, hardenability, and wear resistance. Some of the manganese can be replaced with nickel.

The influence of titanium on the properties of stainless steel is expressed in an increase in the density and strength of the alloy, which increases its corrosion resistance.

Tungsten reduces brittleness and increases hardness during heat treatment. This is due to the formation of hard compounds such as carbides.

The hardness, strength and density of the alloy are increased by vanadium.

The molybdenum gives anti-corrosion properties and increases the elasticity of 304 Stainless Steel Tube, increases the maximum tensile strength (tensile strength), and the metal’s resistance to high temperatures.

Welded structures are protected by niobium, which reduces the likelihood of corrosion.

Silicon enhances heat resistance, acidity, resilience and resistance to scale formation. It increases strength and electrical resistance while keeping the toughness level the same.

The addition of cobalt increases the impact resistance. It also enhances the heat-resistant properties of the material. Titanium tube manufacturers in India produces the best quality stainless steel.

Thanks to its exceptional characteristics, stainless steel is different from other metals. An example is the use of material for the manufacture of cutlery and knives, fences, various parts of communications, elements of equipment, etc.

Stainless steel are divided accoroding to their grades, properties of stainless steel and its characteristics. In each group of materials, some types are gaining popularity, their consumers and choose the most often.

Let’s consider some:

20X13, 12X13, 08X13 – used to produce cutlery, tableware and products that experience shock loads. They are resistant to aggressive environments at normal temperatures. Polishing and heat treatment improves the performance and basic properties of stainless steel.

08X18T1 and 12X17 – are used to manufacture kitchen appliances and equipment production, which is equipped with the food industry. The use of these products after annealing is considered rational.

40X13 and 30X13 – this is how medical stainless steel used in the production of instruments for surgery is marked.


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