Use of stainless steel in making food

The invention of a stainless steel alloy based on steel and chromium made it possible to solve many problems inherent in the food industry. With the advent of stainless steel, food products' mass production has become more efficient and safer at a lower cost.

An important advantage of using stainless steel products is reducing the cost of food products due to a longer life spam of the equipment without the need for repairs.

The main reason for using stainless steel is the resistance of this material to the corrosive process. Today, in the manufacture of special equipment for use in the food industry, AISI 304 steel is taken. According to its technical characteristics, this steel grade is similar to 08X18H10. In addition to increased corrosion resistance, pipes and other products made of this alloy are distinguished by low cost and an unprecedented level of environmental safety. In addition to this grade, the enterprises of this category use such types of steel as AISI 201, AISI 316 and AISI 321.

Use of stainless steel pipes

Stainless steel made by stainless steel instrumentation tubing manufacturers has received the greatest application in enterprises engaged in the production of food products. For example, at enterprises producing dairy and fermented milk products, a special category of "milk" pipes made of AISI 304 and 316 steel is used. Such pipes are used all over the world, as they comply with the requirements of DIN 11850, which determines not only the composition of steel but also the quality of the weld.

Today, stainless steel pipes are showing the benefits of plastic and glass products. But along with these advantages, steel shows excellent strength properties, and therefore these pipes have practically no analogues.

Today, stainless steel pipes are use in processes such as storage, transportation and production of food products with varying degrees of acidic content in the final product. This characteristic is due to the increased requirements for hygiene, environmental friendliness and toxicity of materials used for the production of equipment for the food industry and catering enterprises.

Advantages of stainless steel pipes

In enterprises related to the food industry, various pipes are widely used, which differ in cross-sectional diameter, wall thickness, matte, smooth or mirror-like execution of the inner surface, etc. The only generalizing factor is the material used in the production - stainless steel grades AISI 304 and AISI 316L. stainless steel rectangular tubing manufacturer in india are the best manufactures of stainless steel in India.

Summarizing all of the above, we note the advantages inherent in stainless steel pipes used in the food industry. Particularly important characteristics include:

  • High corrosion resistance both along the entire length of the pipe and in the area of ​​welded joints;
  • Resistance to long-term contact with chemically aggressive media;
  • Wear resistance inherent in products made of high-alloy steel alloys;
  • Environmental safety and zero toxin content;
  • Compliance with the requirements of standards for the migration (dissolution) of heavy metals from steel into the working environment.

And in conclusion, you note that only stainless steel pipes remain perfectly flat throughout the entire service life, without potholes and notches. Consequently, the transported food does not linger on the pipe walls, which greatly facilitates the cleaning and maintenance of industrial equipment every shift.


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